Monday, February 20, 2012

What would you do? Keep the gifts or contact police?

I am a college professor. I graduated from Stanford, UC Davis, and went on to receive my Phd from UF at the age of 26. I am married to a wonderful man who received his Phd, and we have no children. I am in a sorority and he is in a fraternity. My life was great before the incident below took place.

When I came back to work from the break recently, I had a package waiting for me in the office, from an anonymous sender. Inside it contained gift certificates for (from what I've heard) are very expensive restaurants. Restaurants in San Francisco, such as "Aqua", "Jardiniere", "Benihana's", "Farallon", "Gary Danko", "Masa's" "Fleur De Lys", "Postrio's" I've never even heard of most of these restaurants before, let alone eaten at them, but I have a feeling that someone from my past sent them to me out of guilt, and there is no forwarding address, so I can't send it back.

A part of me wants to keep it, but this person that I am assuming it is, slept with my husband 3 years ago, and then turned around and lied about being pregnant with his child. She told me that she had issues because of being molested as a child, had low self esteem and that she lied about the pregnancy to get me to leave my cheating husband, because she thought I deserved better. I was furious with him and we suffered tons of backlash from their actions, but I didn't leave him. She was a girl that I was trying to mentor, and who was in my class as a communications student. Over a year's worth of time, we developed a cool bond and I don't know why she did what she did, but I forgave my husband and told her to get lost and to seek psychological help. After I found out and told her off, she called non-stop for forgiveness on and off for about a year and a half. She finally stopped for a year or so now, Suddenly I get these expensive restaurant gift certificates (no note, no forwarding address) and I mean for like $200.00-$500.00 a piece. Who else would do this and for what? I told her a while back that the least she could do, was to never contact myself or my husband again, but I guess the guilt wont let her. What would you do? Should I keep letting her send this to me or contact the police? I am a college professor and so is my husband and I don't want any negative attention for either one of us, due to this incident. I just want to move on with my life and forget that this ever happened.|||Keep them, you can hold on to a few for yourself, give some away to friends and family as gifts, and to the poor and homeless. It was an unfortunate incident, that must have hurt you, but not everything is bad.|||Well, since there is nothing proving where it is from then the police will not be able to do much about it. Especially if you have not reported anything else to them. They will probably just tell you to enjoy them.

And honestly you don't know if it was from her. It could be from a rich creep who is obsessed with you and stalks you and you don't even know who they are! Like a Lifetime movie type of thing ;)

I say, just relax, make sure your hubby knows, just file a report with the police, just incase anything in the future does come up. Then see what they say! Hopefully they will let you enjoy them :)

Let me know what happens! I would love to know!

Good luck!|||Personally i would either contact the police or contact her. alternatively i would give them away to charity or auction them off in aid of a charity.|||They could be from anyone. Since you're a professor, it could be any one of your students. I don't know what good contacting the police would do. They weren't stolen or anything.|||be mad

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