Thursday, February 23, 2012

Are you tired of listening to people talk on their cell phones in public?

I went to the bank today. A rude 20's something valley girl cut in front of me in line. She was chatting loudly on her cell phone. I told her, "excuse me, but there is a line here." She responded, "well, you were just standing there off to the side..." I said, "well, if you weren't on your cell phone, you might be paying more attention." Then it was a verbal war. The 50's something vs the 20's something. She then proceeded to give her complete credit card number loudly over the cell phone to a merchant she was talking to. I then said in a loud voice..."hey did you hear that...she's giving us all her credit card information!" I told her she was an idiot and finished my banking. Why do people on cell phones think the public cares to listen to their affairs of what they are having for dinner, who's picking up the kids, who sleeping with who, and hello...can you hear me...hello?Are you tired of listening to people talk on their cell phones in public?
I so agree, but what is the alternative?

Until all establishments (banks included) outlaw them.

They did it with smoking! At least we can go to a movie without listening to their nonsensical tunes.

It is only going to worsen.

Happy New Year you guys...
I am so there with you on this one, I had a similar experience in the post office on what was the busiest mailing day for Christmas. A young woman was in line talking non-stop on her phone, very loudly, and not even in English, she held up the line, pretending not to understand what the clerk was telling her, but the next thing you know she's talking on the phone in what...English! someone behind her, and the clerk asked her to put away the phone and again she tried to act like she didn't understand...I so wanted to snatch that phone right off of her ear, and shout into it.....don't be so damned rude and get a life!Are you tired of listening to people talk on their cell phones in public?
Yes. Its been driving me crazy for a long time. No class whatsoever, and so self important.

Unless its a critical matter, please shut up and get out of my way.

If it is a critical matter, please shut up and get out of my way and please dont crash into my car because youre talking away on your cellphone about something of no importance whatsoever to me.

In public if someone is creeping along in front of me talking about their boring life I just say "EXCUSE ME" and cut in front of the person. I sneer while I do it, too.

Its pretty effective.
Thats right !

Its terrible IF they don't pay attention to people and things around them: I've seen drivers totally not paying attention to traffic lights, where the lanes dividing lines are, and speed, and I've heard of pedestrians getting themselves into accidents because of their own cell phone, jay walking etc...

Its dangerous as well as rude !

Oh, and that young valley girl in the bank, and anyone of any description that gives out credit card numbers on a cell phone, or even speaking it loudly anyway, is automatically an idiot. Someone else can catch that credit card number and start shopping.

Oh, and those ones that are just like earbuds? Those make people look so freaky, like they're talking to themselves and having a full conversation with an imaginary friend. Some of my customers use those things, and I don't know when they're on the line or not, if they're talking with me or to the person on their cell phone. It freaks me out !

Take it easy, eh ! Be glad you're smart not to be one of themAre you tired of listening to people talk on their cell phones in public?
Yes, I am! But worse of all are the ones that talk on the cell phone while driving.
Yes - especially when I'm dining in a restaurant.
This practice is the height of rudeness! There is a very funny web site you may enjoy: theguyfromboston

Go to video rants and scroll to Cell Phones.
AHhhhh..the new world of hi-tech gadgets and its dysfunctional consumers!

I have this problem, every day, with where I work, where I go, and even while I'm driving, seeing hoards of people, yakkin' on their cell phones, while driving, while eating, while shopping, banking, walking down the street, in their homes, BESIDE their landline phone, etc...

Cell phones are a hazard to ANYONE's health and sanity, let me tell you! I'm tired of just seeing these people with these gadgets, literally, welded to their ears!!
Yes! I really don't care or want to listen to their personal affairs. It's SO rude!
This girl was very disrespectful; I can imagine how she treats her parents.

Talking on phone in public is rude; I feel that nobody wants to hear my chatter. I have a friend (50 something!) who will call me, then almost immediately tell me to "hold on". She would either be paying for something, or ordering something. I did not like it, besides it is rude to the person you are doing business with. After a few months of this I finally told her to call me when she has time to talk. Also, I saw a verbal altercation between an older man and a young woman. In the grocery store, this woman answered her phone while standing in the middle of the aisle. She stood there blocking the aisle, then got mad when the man told her to get out of his way!

Personally, I almost never talk on my phone in public. If I happen to answer it, I promptly say I will call them back.

I have noticed that less and less people are talking in public. There was a time when I would talk anywhere; I think most of us realize it is inconsiderate. By the way, love the way you handled the situation. I would have done the same thing, but just on principle, This 40 something would have stepped in front of her in the line. Call me crazy!
People on cell phones should reaalyy see themselves for the dipshiits they truly are.

When you hear some of the conversations you would have to agree the cell phones give brain cancer, because of the convos some of these people have on them.

I was in a bar once and this wanna be total loser was on the phone" yep i said sell. do i what i said , I have thousands riding on this deal etc etc and then it rang while he was having this "business call".

People should see themselves..

The biggest losers are the ones who use cell phones and drive at the same time... i only hope the accident they are going to have only hurts them and theirs and not other people.
i used to work in the mall and i cant tell you how many time i watched a group of girls all walking together, but all also talking on the cell phones! the other thing is on a cell phone. people just naturally talk LOUDER! why is that? i dont think i talk louder then normal on my regular phone in the house?
What she did to you was rude, talking on the cell phone was not.
Yeah well not really.It is annoying like that valley girl sounds like a dumb@ss.But usually if I'm talking on a cell I keep my voice down and don't walk in lines like a douche.
Not only am I sick of that but am sick of idiots driving with their cell phones holding up traffic and is one of the major causes of accidents
It's VERY annoying!!!!!!!!

I hate it.

Are they showing off they have a cellphone?

I don't want or need to hear about their private lives.
Yes it is boring and theyre full of themselves...such things are pvt conversations that noone cares to hear in a with you!!
I LOVE you Shirley! I hate when people are talking on their cell phones like they're trying to solve AIDS or cancer. I think it's rude and obnoxious. I agree completely!
yeah especially when they drive. ive lost count of how many times a woman in an SUV talking on the phone has almost killed me. its like they were born with cellphones connected to their skull. and they talk loud and laugh and when they eat food flies out of their mouth. they are oblivious about everything around them. i bet they masturbate while talking on the phone. o well they will die of a brain tumor so its all on them.
I particularly hate people who use their cell phones in well as those who leave their ringers on and then come to see the movie I spent my good money on seeing...
I can relate to how you feel. I don't like it when people are loud, and it doesn't matter if they're on the phone. I do appreciate it when cell phone users keep their voices low and their talk short. I've met a few such people, and I really admire them for thier good manners. If I were in your shoes, I would've got into a verbal fight with that woman too. Too bad some people just don't seem to remember or care what good manners are any more. But then maybe they can remind us that we should pay more attention to our own manners, right? Hope you're not as upset now. :D
don't even get me started!

I had similar situations, there is this idiot at work that doesn't know the meaning of ETIQUETTE, the guy has no manners

and is SO rude because he's on the phone 24/7 in public, in restaurants, while driving with a carpool, and the sad part is

everybody has to listen his LAME and STUPID conversations, just makes feel repulsive, everybody at work is so sick of him.
Wow, I am with you 50!!!! I am sick of these little chatterboxes (of all ages) that can;t even use the ladies room w/o yapping away loudly about things I DON'T WANT TO HEAR....

My favorite ever bad cell phone story was while waiting in line for a frozen yougurt (was visiting in NYC but could have been anywhere), The guy in front of me was actually breaking up with his kidding,,,,loudly telling her her naggging and this is and that is just getting to be too much for him, then the guy behind the counter asks him what he wanted, he told her to hold on a second, placed his order, and continued the break up!!!!!!!! There had to be 20 people in ear shot....I dunno, maybe it's just me but I think she was lucky to lose him\!!!!!LOL

People, leave em off when you are in public, we don't want to listen to the details of your yeast infections, BMW's, latest investments whatever......SHUT IT OFF AND SHUT UP..... so with you on this one..!!!!
yes...and also incoming calls while on the phone with the person and they say hold I got another call...
dont you talk on your cell phone?

we all do. some people are more open about talking their lives in public than others. you're more sensitive on talking personal affairs whereas the valley girl isnt. we have to tolerate people sometimes. we can't always have what we want in life. if we did, it'd be boring. we need a little shift now and then.

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