Monday, February 20, 2012

What would you do? Keep the gifts or contact police?

When I came back to work from the break recently, I had a package waiting for me in the office, from an anonymous sender. Inside it contained gift certificates for (from what I've heard) are very expensive restaurants. Restaurants in San Francisco, such as "Aqua", "Jardiniere", "Benihana's", "Farallon", "Gary Danko", "Masa's" "Fleur De Lys", "Postrio's" I've never even heard of most of these restaurants before, let alone eaten at them, but I have a feeling that someone from my past sent them to me out of guilt, and there is no forwarding address, so I can't send it back.

A part of me wants to keep it, but this person that I am assuming it is, slept with my husband 3 years ago, and then turned around and lied about being pregnant with his child. She told me that she had issues because of being molested as a child, had low self esteem and that she lied about the pregnancy to get me to leave my cheating husband, because she thought I deserved better. I was furious with him and we suffered tons of backlash from their actions, but I didn't leave him. She was a girl that I was trying to mentor, and who was in my class as a communications student. Over a year's worth of time, we developed a cool bond and I don't know why she did what she did, but I forgave my husband and told her to get lost and to seek psychological help. After I found out and told her off, she called non-stop for forgiveness on and off for about a year and a half. She finally stopped for a year or so now, Suddenly I get these expensive restaurant gift certificates (no note, no forwarding address) and I mean for like $200.00-$500.00 a piece. Who else would do this and for what? I told her a while back that the least she could do, was to never contact myself or my husband again, but I guess the guilt wont let her. What would you do? Should I keep letting her send this to me or contact the police? I am a college professor and so is my husband and I don't want any negative attention for neither one of us, because of this incident. I just want to move on with my life and forget that this ever happened.|||That's a tough one, and I don't think anyone else can really answer it for you because you're the one who was involved, w/ your own impressions and experiences and mental state to consider, which nobody else can realistically apprehend. What I can say is what I would do, which is to keep and use the certificates and do my best to put it out of my mind where they came from. If it ends up being a constant reminder of the ugliness behind you, that you feel is making you miserable, then cut them up, burn them, whatever and move on. But, hey, free stuff is free stuff. And if she's doing it out of guilt, you can accept the certificates w/o contact w/ her and without forgiving her.

I wouldn't call the police, honestly. The only thing they could really act on would be harassment, and sending $$ or gift certificates is going to be difficult to peg as harassment (though I see where you're coming from.) I think your best bet here is to just accept the certificates as a random, serendipitous gift, ignore the voice that's saying they're from her, and go enjoy some delicious meals as a celebration of the fact that you and your husband were able to reconcile and now have a good, monogamous life together.|||Forget the girl, as they were sent to your work address, they may be considered attempts at bribery. Contact the college authorities first.|||She sounds like a nut case. I'd try to let her know shes forgiven so everyone can get over this and try to return the gift if she will let you. She really sounds like a nut though almond joy the whole way baby|||The fact is you do not know who sent them,I would enjoy them. I would however keep a record of when you got them, just in case more start to show up. I would also check to make sure they are valid before you go to the restaurant and charge up a huge bill... it could be a nasty trick. ( I have heard of something similar happening to a girl I worked with they turned out to be fake and she ended up with a 150 bill she could not afford)

regardless of who sent them and why, take this opportunity to spend some time with your husband. I would not worry unless these gifts become some kind of habit. Then I would think maybe you have some kind of stocker.... but one gift is nothing...after all you do not know who it was from, maybe your student all chipped in.|||Wow that's difficult to answer,but I think you know the answer already,it would be best to take the package to your local police and file a report that you received them from an annon sender.

That way if they were stolen you couldn't be blamed,also keep the package they came in,handle it carefully and with gloves as they may be able to lift some prints.

Perhaps the certificates can be traced to a credit card etc. thus making it easier to find out who the unidentified sender is.

Also do you think maybe your hubby sent the package to you? just a of luck!|||If you had used the Yahoo Answers Search Bar, you would have seen that you've asked this question on another account before.;鈥?/a>

Grow up and stop spamming.|||I would keep them. Why would you call the police? Do you think they are stolen or something? I would keep them and try to find the girl you think sent them. If you don't want to attract attention, then I would tear them up and throw them away.

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